FREE Quality Protein Shaker With All OrganiGreen & Protein Orders!

Ever had a gut feeling? A sense of something?

Well your experiencing part of the gut-brain axis. The bi-directional communication between our brain and our gut. This cross talk is heavily influenced by the microbiome.

So much evidence is now pointing to your microbiome being far more in control of your feelings, emotions and thoughts than ever thought possible.

For example - Chronic stress can change the gut lining, therefore changing the makeup of what is being allowed into your body – good and bad. This can lead to leaky gut syndrome.

So, with 95% of the serotonin we make being produced in the gut (this feel good hormone, which regulates our mood and wellbeing, also helps other cells communicate and aids sleep) it's vitally important to give our microbiome a little break.

Pamper it daily and help it regulate you to have an awesome day.

Checkout out OrganiGreen Longevity which is a glass is superfoods in one daily drink, as well as other gut boosting supplements.


Looking to repair and restore your gut;


Finally – here is all we do in one place without daily offers;


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